- Get instant CAD files for any location on earth.
- Transform data from public sources such as
1.Open Street Map,
2.NASA, and
3.USGS into neatly organized CAD files.
Free CAD files include all available data in any format. Sign up to download.
Available for a small fee if it exceed 1sqkm. A discount is applied if you register with an academic email address.
- Click on create file
- It will ask you to sign in.Once you Sign in.
- Search for the location you want to convert as cad drawing.
- Bottom of the map the area extent of the region is shown
- If it exceeds 1sqkm ,then purchase of file will be highlighted.
- Once the extent is set, click on create file.
On the left of the map you can select the desired options which is based on,
- Software – Autocad, Sketup 2015, Illustrator,Rhino, Archicad ,DXF, Sketchup 8 to 2014.
- 3d Building or Topography.
- Road geometry.
Cad file can be download on clicking
Download tab.