Try to introduce the Courtyard and Thinnai space into your home, in the case of an apartment make sure to change your foyer as Thinnai space and balcony into a small greenery area.
While designing the foyer space aesthetics and function plays a major role,
- Focal point
- Functions to be satisfied
What are the functions of a foyer ?
- Welcoming the Guest
- Seating
- Space for Foot wears, umbrella, Rain coat etc.,
Function is the same either it can be a traditional or contemporary style.
Courtyard an outdoor area within the confines of the house, often surrounded by the main building or adjacent structures like walls or fences.
Traditional / Contemporary courtyards
Functions of Courtyard
- Passive cooling
- Connect with nature
- Connect spaces and people
In Modern trends where apartment culture is predominant, balcony space are transformed to courtyard to connect with nature.
Balcony as a courtyard space