- Introduction to curtain walls
- Building the 2 Brick Segment
- Assigning Material two the Brick Segment
- Building the Brick Screen Wall
- Fixing Common Issues
1. Curtain Wall Panel
This type of panel is incorporated in the curtain wall because
Curtain wall has the ability to use different panels .
Create Metric Curtain Wall Panel
Curtain walls are made out of panels.
Open new family – Curtain wall panel.
2. Building the 2 Brick Segment
Modelling Bricks
- Go to exterior elevation
- Add a additional reference plane in the mid of the elevation and make equal.
- Alter the height of the reference as 120mm which is the height of two bricks (60mm+60mm).
- Create brick-1 profile using File- Extrusion
- Rectangle
- Assign dimension for the brick and make it equal.
- Brick length is 250mm and from mid of brick assign 125mm.
- Create another brick with in the height of 120mm in an overlapping manner as shown in the figure.
- Lock the dimensions of 125mm and 60mm for two bricks created
- Assign Extrusion End =60mm and Extrusion Start = -60mm for both brick extrusion created
Elevation view changing height to 120mm Adding reference and making equal
Create - Solid extrusion -rectangle
Assign height and width and lock it Set End and Start Extrution
Two brick panel created
3. Assigning Material
- Under Material and finish – open the Material browser
- Select the Exposed masonry.
- Some alterations are done to remove the entire course of brick as we are going to apply only for two bricks.
- Under Graphics note down the color of the material.
- Under Appearance uncheck the relief pattern.
- Under Appearance in the Image drop down box select color and enter the color noted down previously.
Select Exposed Masonry - note down the color Uncheck Relief pattern
Under Image select color Enter the color nos
- Save the Family with a name (Two brick panel)
- Load into the project.
4. Creating Brick Screen wall
- Create a Exterior glazing wall with certain height
- Under Edit type of that particular wall Assign the following:
- Curtain panel : Two Brick panel (Family which is saved and loaded into the project)
- Vertical Grid:
Spacing : 380 (can be altered based on view)
3. Horizontal Grid:
Layout : Fixed distance
Spacing : 120 (Height of two brick it should not be altered)